Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"O", "Bye" (translation: Hello, Goodbye)

This afternoon while I was in the kitchen starting to get things together for dinner I heard Brinley babbling away. I knew she was sitting at the kitchen table in one of the 'big chairs' but when I turned around and peeked over the bar I never thought I would find her holding the phone upto her right ear jibbering away. Brinley usually isn't much of a babbler so I had to stop what I was doing for a moment and soak it all in. While this all happening, I got the idea to call Bruce at work from my cell phone and tell him to call our landline. He did, and I let Brinley have one phone and I had the other. By this time, she really didn't have much interest in holding the phone but she still did 'talk' to her daddy. Here is a clip of what I caught on video:

Then, later that evening, as Bruce and I were cleaning up after dinner Brinley decided she wanted to sit at the kitchen table in the 'big chair' again. This time, Bruce was able to witness exactly what I had earlier in the day--she started babbling away. If you listen to the video that I've posted below you will hear her say 'o' (hello) and 'bye'. I think she started to get the hang of saying 'o' at the beginning of her 'conversation and 'bye' at the end.

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