Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Although this was Brinley's third Halloween, I can say without a doubt that this was this most celebrated Halloween thus far for our little family. For her first Halloween, back in 2008, she and I were still staying with my parents so that I could help my mother after her major surgery. I dressed her up in a costume and we went to visit a couple of my parents neighbors, but that was pretty much the extent of that. Last year, she wasn't feeling very well--teething, I think--so we just dressed her up and she 'helped' me pass out goodies to the trick-or-treaters.

I think Brinley was too mesmerized by the fire engine to give a hoot about getting candy.

Walking towards the Great Lawn. I love a man that's willing to push a stroller...especially when it has a pink diaper bag hanging from it. ;-)

Brinley was mighty intrigued by this lady's costume...I think she was a cat???

This year, we decided to head out to Bellingrath Gardens on Saturday for their annual Balloon Glow in the Gardens. At the Balloon Glow in the Gardens, the little ones are encouraged to come dressed in their costumes and area business set up to pass out candy along the path through the gardens. On the Great Yard at Bellingrath, hot-air balloons are set up and 'glowing', thus the name Balloon Glow in the Gardens, and further up the path near the Bellingrath mansion, The Shed (a local bar-b-que restaurant) was set up selling their scrumptious bar-b-que. After walking along the path through the gardens, grabbing some brisket sandwiches for supper, and then taking a few minutes to watch the hot-air balloons 'glow', Brinley was ready to call it a night. Needless to say, she must have had a lot of fun because the girl slept soundly until ten o'clock the next morning.

By this point, I think the trick-or-treating experience was losing it's 'cool' factor in Brinley's opinion.

'Glowing' Balloon

This evening, we dressed Brinley in her costume again and hit up a few of the houses on our street and the next with some of our neighbors including Baby W (that I care for in our home during the week) and his parents. Overall, I think Brinley had a good time again. She really has 'trick-or-treat' down and saying 'thank you' after receiving her treat. Both nights, the weather was absolutely beautiful including clear skies and temperatures in the mid-to-upper 50's, and overall, I really don't think we could have had a better weekend.

~There's no place like home.~

We had a bag on the front porch that was motion activated and it said "Happy Halloween" in a witch's voices. When Brinley first heard it she said, "A chicken!"...I think she confused the cackling for clucking.

Where's the jack-o-lantern's nose?

We hope you all had a wonderful Happy Halloween, and I hope you enjoy the pictures of our little 'Dorothy'.

Still trying to figure out that bag...

"Cheese!" (We've been practicing smiling for the camera.)

"Trick-or-Treat!" Picking out which goodies she wants from Baby W--the pumpkin--and his mommy.
~Best Buddies~
When the festivities were all over with, the two little ones loved going through all the goodies they accumulated and those that were left over. Who says you have to eat candy to enjoy it?!?

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