Monday, October 5, 2009

New Cell Phones=Videos To Share

This past week, Bruce and I gave each other new cell phones for our birthdays. While this may not seem like much to some, Bruce and I had used our old phones for about 4 years and to be honest, the only reason we decided to replace them was they were no longer working very well. So, since Bruce and I have never invested in a camcorder of any kind and have been wanting to for quite a while, I decided on an iPhone (which I am loving by the way!) that has an impressive camcorder feature that allows me upload videos that I take with my cell phone straight to youTube and seamlessly to Blogger to share with you all.

I am so excited to finally be able to share video of Brinley, and our lives in general, on our blog! While pictures are great, I know those of you that live far away from us--like 600+ miles away in Texas-- are just itching to see our little stinker cutie pie in action. So, without further ado, here is a short video of Brinley playing in our front yard this past weekend while her Nana and Papa were here to work visit.

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